"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
(Oui, c'est le nom de mon personnage de test dans CrossRoad quand c'est pas une lettre pour un signe de ponctuation quelconque...)
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
(Presque, c'est une spécialité qui est en fait du paracétamol)
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
Whaoo, je savais pas que ce nom existait vraiment. Faudra que je vérifie le nom qu'elle avait dans la VO
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
On voit cette île dans le générique de Bob l'éponge. Une fois il remonte dessus, à l'air libre. (Bon, d'ailleurs, il se fait attaquer par des mouettes avant d'avoir le temps d'asphyxier)
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
La cité-reine n'existe pas en tant que telle (je crois) mais provient d'un homonyme, la Citerraine, dont sont tirées plusieurs cartes de Magic. C'est surement un terme qui réapparaîtra dans mon module si l'occasion se présente, car je l'aime beaucoup. http://www.magiccorporation.com/gatheri ... raine.html
Et, puisqu'on parle de mon module, pour une fois j'aimerais une réaction car c'est quelque chose que j'adore (mais genre trop) : le nouveau sortilège du feu (voir screenshot dans la section dédiée au module) n'est-il pas juste merveilleux ? J'ai pris quand même quelques heures pour le faire
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
Roman d'initiation et surtout d'anticipation, très bien écrit mais difficile à lire et relativement gros. En verrais-je la fin avant les vacances d'été ? Pas sur...
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
Ca me rappelle l'entreprise qui gère (et condamne) et égouts de Tarante
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
Bah, disons que le terme "MMORPG" en soit je connais (whaoo, cette annonce...) mais sa prononciation chelou non, de même que je connaissais pas le cercle de l'éveil
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
(Silent Hill Origins, 5ème opus de la série et donc 5ème OST, avec notamment Shot down in flames et Blow back )
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
(A bruxelles je crois, je connais. Un atome de fer agrandi des milliers de fois)
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
Pablo Escobar -> www.jeveuxdelacoc.fr
(Ceci n'est pas un vrai site, enfin j'espère pas)
Je crois que c'est le nom du parrain de la mafia dans Paper mario la porte millénaire, mais je saurai pas l'affirmer.
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
(Nerf facial, septième paire de nerf crânien, celui des mimiques. Oui, je sais, c'est bizarre comme transition. Come what may)
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
Rythme tribal -> Oligocentrisme
(Le fait de ramener/comparer à un petit nombre, puisqu'on est dans les néologismes...)
Non, je faisais référence à un épisode des Looney Toons où l'on (mémé) "tue" des indiens à la chaîne, et Titi les compte en chantant. On retrouve cette chanson dans plusieurs épisodes.
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
Oui, à l'hôpital, nos compléments alimentaires ont des aromes
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
(J'ai choisi une image relativement peu provoquante pour respecter les règles du forum ^.^)
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
(Je sais, j'ai vu qu'on avait posté simultanément sur deux topics différent et que ta réponse était juste après la mienne. Y'a point de souçis ^^)
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
Je croyais que c'etait une fille... -> Pseudo-hermaphrodisme
(Pas glamour hein ?)
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call
"Il fuit, s'élance,
Puis en cadence
Sur un pied danse
Au bout d'un flot."
-Victor Hugo, Les Djinns
"Pray for the children you lost along the way
Still remember the names and faces…
Cold and abandoned they cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it’s over they come to haunt you…"
-One more soul to the call